Veronica Feeling R.I.P.

She rode solo around the world, crossing mountains, steppes, deserts. The first street bike to cross the Gobi Desert was under yellow leather and plastic hair.  She sprawled beneath the stars, curled up in yurts, revelled in luxury and lay-bys alike.  Flew planes, crawled over rocks, was stranded in Freedom (Svobodny, Siberia).  Met poets, politicians, lovers and loners; there was meat and milk but not as she knew it.  After all that, Veronica was never gonna slip back quietly.  Her monomyth was complete, the Gesamkunstwerk presented.  She died riding her bike into the Hudson River, NY in September 2015.

Veronica’s bike, suit, and story are now on display at Motorcyclepedia Museuem in Newburgh, NY.

11th December 2015

please contact Yolanda Strip with any questions: